Loved every joke in there, I couldn't stop grinning at Elon's stupid attempts at being a human.
I'm really curious what jokes you had to cut out
Loved every joke in there, I couldn't stop grinning at Elon's stupid attempts at being a human.
I'm really curious what jokes you had to cut out
is it clock day already?
Ohgod, I turned up the volume to hear the song
All of the animation, voice acting, regular acting, references and jokes are so good, this should be way higher up on the front page, it's too good not to be.
lol echolocation
Nobody was holding the ladder?? God damnit Raymond...
haha april fools, because it's december, lmao
re: I did, but you uploaded this in december. Eh, never mind
read desc.
I wouldn't be able to deal with Lumbergh either if I didn't have my AI generated stress toys
Oh god the moaning is way too good hahaha
Her cheeks glowing red hot with the still sizzling pie just stuffed down her facehole floored me
I can't do it if you're watching
Developer / Artist
the Netherlands
Joined on 3/1/10