what about GOAT: Shadow Legends
what about GOAT: Shadow Legends
That’s a good one
This is such a gem
Thanks psychicpebbles
Imagine your entire career being based on fangirling over one specific brand of sandwiches
This deserves to be featured
Can't wait to find out what happens to Vin in the next episode
Awesome animation, good music choice too. Mixed 2D and 3D is really hard to pull off, but you made it work nicely.
I've subbed to your YT too, your stuff needs to blow up more!
Woa, Ralsei came straight out of The Secret of NIMH
amazing work
Reminds me of those good old 80s-90s animes
But hold up, you animated it all by hand in just 3 months? You work hard
Those 80s anime had a captivating feeling to them.
I really try my hardest. Thanks for noticing.
I can't do it if you're watching
Developer / Artist
the Netherlands
Joined on 3/1/10